Texas Firsts – Part 4

Lockdown SOMEWHERE TEXAS Yes, I still could not believe I was in Texas. And yes, the first ever lockdown started when I was there. And yes, nobody could have imagined what that meant. With all the news on shelter-in-place, restricted movement and businesses partially closed. But we were in Texas, where you can travel for […]
3 godine rada online i Klub 100

Kada sam 2021. godine odlučila raditi isključivo online, nisam niti sanjala koliko će mi se život promijeniti. Od prijašnjeg neprekidnog rada uživo sa strankama, ponekad i preko deset sati nastave dnevno s grupama različitih uzrasta i godišta, interesa i zanimanja, različite motivacije, tada sam najednom došla na samo 4 sata individualnog rada dnevno. I to samo putem Zooma ili Teamsa. Prvi sati bili su izazov! Uslijedile su i […]
Australia Day

ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴀᴜꜱᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀ ᴅᴀʏ 🇦🇺🦘🇦🇺🐨 Vrijedno smo se pripremali za Dan Australije, koji se obilježava svake godine 26. siječnja. Australci obilježavaju godišnjicu kada je 1788. godine Prva flota britanskih brodova ušla u luku Port Jackson, Novi Južni Wales i podizanje zastave Velike Britanije u Sydney Cove. A mi smo, inspirirani edukativnim materijalima iz Veleposlanstva Australije, radili […]
Kvizom do još boljeg znanja engleskog jezika

Postoje mnoge negativne strane društvenih mreža, a mnoge i sama izbjegavam, no pojavom ‘story’ kvizova i postavljanja pitanja ili pak anketa, ja sam svoju Instagram platformu prilagodila za učenje i ponavljanje sadržaja online satova engleskog jezika. Vrlo je jednostavna za korištenje, lako se kreiraju kvizovi, a moji pratitelji, bivši i sadašnji polaznici online tečajeva, na takav način […]
Texas Firsts – Part 3

Before Covid Lockdown Stop 1 ‘Take her to Buc-ee’s!’, said Vanessa, Chris’ sister-in-law, while confirming the details on visiting their lake house. I had no idea what it meant but while we were driving to Lake Cypress Springs for a weekend and on our way there I saw some funny signs with a cartoon beaver logo. […]
Texas Firsts – Fort Worth Stockyards and Billy Bob’s Texas

Dreams do come true, Part 2 Before Covid Lockdown (BCLD) From “Dallas”, a drama and romance from the 80s, through JFK, Walker, Texas Ranger from the 90s and some episodes of Yellowstone series from 2020s, and then Willie Nelson, Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, county musicians, all have one common denominator; Fort Worth filming scenes or […]
Howdy, y’all

Texas Firsts – Part 1 Dreams do come true As a child I was watching cowboy movies and my secret loves (not so secret anymore) still are country music and cowboy movies. While I was watching or reading about Cowboys and Indians I was dreaming of being there, just admiring the most beautiful landscape, endless […]
National Bird Day

Photos by Chris Polozola Roth Nature lovers, bird lovers, and bird watchers across the country annually recognize National Bird Day on January 5th. It’s also one of several designated holidays celebrating birds. According to Born Free USA, nearly 12 percent of the world’s almost 10,000 bird species are in danger of extinction. And according to […]
Za stara dobra vremana

Rane 1990-te, Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland Dok se lagano ulična svjetla pale u predvečerje jednog, za nekoga sasvim običnog dana, naš auto lagano klizi ulicama prema prilazu jednog od najstarijih dvoraca u Škotskoj. Kamene kuće, mini dvorci ( kako sam ih ja zvala) redali su se jedni za drugim. Gotovo na svakoj ili bow window (zaokružni prozor) […]
Lesson learned from a camel

written by a student, so don’t judge 😂❤️ It was a cloudy Thursday when Slavica told me the story about her Tunisia trip. Just like in all romantic movies, even this love story has its ups and downs. Not to spoil everything, let’s start from the beginning. The story took place in Tunisia, where our […]