A 10-year-old student’s perspective (from 2018)
So for this lesson we decided to do something special before the summer break and because my teacher has a lot of different art stuff, and I was quite amazed by how much stuff she has! Out of all of that we chose to decorate the little drawer or the cupboard that all the stuff was in. For that we will need some colour, acrylic colours, we will need brushes and glue for glitter and a plastic water paint pallet and some water.

So we did a background first and then we mixed some dark blue and light blue so it isn’t too dark and we added a little bit of black on the end of the dark blue part and we drew a moon, for which we mixed white and light gray and we topped it with a sponge brush and now we’re adding some bats. And on the light blue side we are going to draw the opposite; the sun, some butterflies and the day scene.

The next step was the day so we added the sun and my teacher drew the circle because I am not good at drawing circles and then I just added a bit of colour and mixed them just like we did on the moon and I added some strokes around the sun – it’s like the sun is shining. And on the mountain I dropped a little bit of paint and we did it as the reflection of the sun on the mountain.

So this is the end result and we just added some butterflies. The yellow one is mine and the black one isn’t. The black one is the teacher’s! So yes, just to make that clear. And this white dotted line is the path that the butterfly used. They were together and one of them flew away. Oh, we need to add glitter! We’ll do it now!

And here it is. I like the experience because it was fun and we didn’t need that much precision for it. I am glad how it turned out and I really, really like it. That’s all.